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June 2007
The Canadiana Fund adds donation of art from the Estate of Toni Onley for Canada’s official residences, including the Prime Minister’s residence, and the Governor General’s residence.

July 2007
Outdoor conservation team attempts rescue of totems damaged during windstorm in January. Sculptural elements are extracted successfully, but more extensive damage to support columns is discovered.

August 2007
Jay begins conducting video making workshop for federal maximum security inmates, creating documentary of mural painting.

  Introducing Jay Samwald

I've been a creative participant in the film, video, and theatre making communities since 1975. I've worked as an independent writer, producer, and director for numerous corporate and industrial projects, documentary and fine arts works. I've also written a body of articles, editorials and features for a wild range of publications.

I have a parallel career in the fine arts, as a project manager to assist artists, art collectors, dealers, and exhibitors achieve a range of goals, from documenting a sculpture project, to creating an digital inventory, from assembling a team and contracting heavy equipment, to offering a sincere critique, I have been fortunate to be an active participant with a few of Canada's most prominent artists and works of art.

As a writer composer for the stage my contributions range from work as a composer performer with the founding company of Headlines Theatre, a social action group, to sporadic and delightful collaborations with choreographer Debra Brown, performing artists Simon Webb, Andrew Rhodes, and Alex Willows, to name a few of the greats..

I'm proud to have been able to offer my services to the feature film and television industries in a comprehensive array of capacities from script writer, to cast driver, from unit production manager to assistant director. I've assisted in the staging of fire stunts, driving gags, explosions, gun fights, and love scenes.

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